Home Manufacturers Water Tech LLC

Water Tech LLC

Water Tech has developed one of the most diversified line-up of pool and spa vacuum cleaners in the last 40 years, providing cleaning solutions for every pool, spa, and budget! Touted as the “Pool Invention People,” Water Tech meets and exceeds the distinction of such a title. The first pool cleaner was invented in 1926, and for decades pool owners were tethered by hoses and cords. In 2001 Water Tech began the battery powered revolution with the release of the Pool Blaster Max. What ensued were a series of industry transforming products that have left our competitors scratching their heads as they have watched this revolutionary idea become a benchmark for innovation in the world of pool and spa cleaning.
Water Tech LLC
10 Alvin Ct. Suite 111
E. Brunswick, NJ 08816
Phone: (800)298-8800
Fax: (800)488-0700
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